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Selected Publications

Interpersonal Violence

Levine, Ethan Czuy. 2021. Rape by the Numbers: Producing and Contesting Scientific Knowledge about Sexual Violence. Rutgers University Press.

Levine, Ethan Czuy. 2018. “Engaging the Community: Building Effective Partnerships in Sexual Violence Prevention.” Journal of Applied Social Science 12(2): 82-97. DOI: 10.1177/1936724418785416.


Levine, Ethan Czuy. 2018. “Sexual Scripts and Criminal Statutes: Gender Restrictions, Spousal Allowances, and Victim Accountability after Rape Law Reform.” Violence Against Women 24(3): 322-349. DOI: 10.1177/1077801216687876.

Mattera, Brian, Ethan C. Levine, Omar Martinez, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, José Bauermeister, M. Isa Fernandez, Don Operario, and Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz. 2018. “Long Term Health Outcomes of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Peer Sexual Contact Among an Urban Sample of Behaviorally Bisexual Latino Men.” Culture, Health, & Sexuality 20(6): 607-624. DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2017.1367420.

Levine, Ethan Czuy, Omar Martinez, Brian Mattera, Elwin Wu, Sonya Arreola, Scott Edward Rutledge, Seth Welles, Bernie Newman, Larry Icard, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Scott D. Rhodes, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Brian M. Dodge, Sarah Alfonso, M. Isabel Fernandez, and Alex Carballo-Diéguez. 2018. “Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Outcomes among Latino Men who Have Sex with Men.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 27(3): 237-253. DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2017.1343885.

Levine, Ethan. 2017. “Sexual Violence Among Middle School Students: The Effects of Gender and Dating Experience.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32(14): 2059-2082. DOI: 10.1177/0886260515590786.

Gender and Sexuality

Levine, Ethan Czuy. 2020. "Female to Male to Mistress: A Layered Account of Layered Performances." Sexualities.

Levine, Ethan Czuy. 2018. “Becoming a Transgender Failure: Speciation, Benevolent Transphobia, and the Persistence of Binary Gender.” Women and Language 41(1): 39-61.

Levine, Ethan Czuy, Debby Herbenick, Omar Martinez, Tsung-Chieh Fu, and Brian Dodge. 2018. “Open Relationships, Nonconsensual Nonmonogamy and Monogamy Among U.S. Adults: Findings from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 47(5): 1439-1450. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-018-1178-7.

Levine, Ethan. 2014. “United Nations Policy and the Intersex Community.” Pp. 179-194 in Disability, Human Rights and the Limits of Humanitarianism, edited by Michael Gill and Cathy Schlund-Vials. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 

HIV Prevention, Sexual Health, Alcohol Use, Racial/Ethnic Minority LGBTQ+ Communities

Muñoz-Laboy, Miguel, Omar Martinez, Ethan C. Levine, Brian T. Mattera, & M. Isabel Fernandez. 2018. “Syndemic Conditions Reinforcing Disparities in HIV and Other STIs in an Urban Sample of Behaviorally Bisexual Latino Men.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20(2): 497-501. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-017-0568-6.

Martinez, Omar, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Ethan Czuy Levine, Tyrel Starks, Curtis Dolezal, Brian Dodge, Larry Icard, Eva Moya, Silva Chavez-Baray, Scott D. Rhodes, and M. Isabel Fernandez. 2017. “Relationship Factors Associated with Sexual Risk Behavior and High-Risk Alcohol Consumption Among Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men: Challenges and Opportunities to Intervene on HIV Risk.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 46(4): 987-999. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-016-0835-y.

Martinez, Omar, Sonya Arreola, Elwin Wu, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Ethan Czuy Levine, Scott Edward Rutledge, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Larry Icard, Scott D. Rhodes, Alex Carballo-Diéguez, Carlos E. Rodríguez-Díaz, M. Isabel Fernandez, and Theo Sandfort. 2016. “Syndemic Factors Associated with Adult Sexual HIV Risk Behaviors in a Sample of Latino Men Who Have Sex With Men.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 166: 258-262. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.06.033.

Martinez, Omar, Elwin Wu, Ethan C. Levine, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Joseph Spadafino, Brian Dodge, Scott D. Rhodes, Javier López Rios, Hugo Ovejero, Eva Moya, Silvia Chavez-Baray, Alex Carballo-Diéguez, and M. Isabel Fernandez. 2016. “Syndemic Factors Associated with Drinking Patterns among Latino Men and Latina Transgender Women who have Sex with Men in New York City. Addiction Research & Theory 24(6): 466-476. DOI: 10.3109/16066359.2016.1167191.


Spadafino, Joseph T., Omar Martinez, Ethan C. Levine, Brian Dodge, and M. Isabel Fernandez. 2016. “Correlates of HIV and STI Testing among Latino Men who have Sex with Men.” AIDS Care 28(6): 695-698. DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1147017.

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